Ways To Eat A Kiwi Fruit

How to eat a kiwi? A few simple ways to get the skin off and you can enjoy this succulent fruit.

Ways to eat a kiwi fruit

I find this the easiest way to enjoy my kiwi fruit.
Just cut the fruit across into two halves. You get a beautiful cross section. Use a teaspoon to scoop out the juicy green flesh.

You may prefer to cut the fruit the other way, that is, longitudinally. Again, you get two halves. Use a teaspoon to scoop out the flesh.

I don't fancy eating the skin whether it is fuzzy or not. It is quite easy to get the skin off with a small knife or a spoon.

With a small knife, cut off one end. Then cut the skin off with your knife going down the length of the fruit. Do this till all the skin is off. Lastly, cut off the other end and you've got a skinless kiwi ready to be eaten. Or you may want to remove the skin with a spoon.

When using a spoon, cut off one end of the kiwi and insert the spoon under the skin of the fruit. Move the spoon gently round the skin to separate it from the flesh. Do this till you have gone round the whole fruit. Then slice off the other end of the fruit.

For young children, it is better to cut the skinless kiwi into bite size. Take a whole skinless fruit and cut them longitudinally into 4 quarters. Then cut them across into half or three-quarter inch slices which children can pick up with their spoon.

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